Why some people want to stay sick?

It may caught you by surprise – some people want to stay ‘sick’.

They may have intermittent symptoms such as poor sleep, aches and pains, hair loss, allergies, digestive discomfort etc., yet there are no known pathological issues involved. A visit to a doctor often brings some relief or they may have multiple visits to various doctors without any lasting healing results. They often blame the doctor for not healing them.

Why do they want to stay sick? It may be a sign of craving or need for love and approval. It may be a sign of wanting attention and not taking responsibility for oneself. The responsibility lies somewhere else and not ourselves – germs, the home’s feng shui, my spouse, my teacher, my children and even the world.

In my book From Leaf to Life, I stated that the 1st Credo to wellness is – I love myself. Without self-responsibility and participation in life, we are actually not loving ourselves. How can we be well?

About Sebastian Liew

Matthew Wood, the renowned American herbalist described Sebastian as ‘one of the most unique and talented practitioners of natural healing and herbalism.’ The New Paper (Singapore) called Sebastian Liew 'The Medicine Man'. Indeed, Sebastian is a qualified and registered Medical Herbalist (accredited by the National Herbalists Association of Australia), with a Master's degree in Herbal Medicine from the University of New England, Australia. He is the first medical herbalist in Singapore and is known to popularize phytotherapy (Western herbal medicine), European traditional medicine, and St Hildegard medicine (Germany) in Singapore and probably in Asia. Sebastian has 20 years clinical work experiences and treated numerous patients with different medical conditions from all age groups in his Singapore clinic. Sebastian authored the book, Leaf to Life: The Natural Approach to Slow Down Aging and Living a Healing Life, which set the fundamentals for healthy aging and the prevention or treatment for almost all diseases. Please visit website http://slnaturopath.com
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